Two research-focused negotiation and conflict management podcast series:
“Article to Audio” and
“I’m Glad I Know That Now!"
The Mission
The podcast series idea arose from our own desire to incorporate academically-oriented podcasts into our teaching on negotiation and conflict management. We also wanted a fun way to share important work in these areas even with our non-academic friends. In these two distinct-but-related series, we will provide an expanding set of episodes that instructors can use—for free—in their courses, workshops, and seminars on negotiation. Each episode will feature one or more guests and center on a particular research article or topical stream of research that the guest(s) has conducted that provides critical, but likely unfamiliar, knowledge to a broad range of people interested in negotiation and conflict management.
picture credit: Christina @ wocintechchat.com

The Shows
We have specifically designed the format and content of the episodes to be rooted in research findings but avoiding complicated jargon so that the series can be useful for a variety of audiences, including upper-year undergraduates, graduate students, and the general public.